284 research outputs found

    Aortenaneurysma und -dissektion: Epidemiologie, Pathophysiologie und Diagnostik

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Aortenaneurysma und die Aortendissektion stellen aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung und des heutigen Lebensstils ein signifikantes Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Die MortalitĂ€t des rupturierten Aortenaneurysmas betrĂ€gt bis zu 80 %. Die PrĂ€valenz von Aneurysmen variiert je nach Lokalisation (thorakal vs. abdominal). Am hĂ€ufigsten ist die infrarenale Bauchaorta betroffen. Es gibt aber Hinweise fĂŒr eine rĂŒcklĂ€ufige PrĂ€valenz des infrarenalen Bauchaortenaneurysmas, wohingegen die Inzidenz des thorakalen Aortenaneurysmas zunimmt. Die oft letal verlaufende Aortendissektion ist die hĂ€ufigste akute Aortenerkrankung. Dennoch wird die Inzidenz vermutlich unterschĂ€tzt. Die Pathogenese des Aortenaneurysmas ist vielfĂ€ltig und basiert auf einem Zusammenspiel degenerativer, proteolytischer und entzĂŒndlicher VorgĂ€nge. Die Aortendissektion geht auf einen Einriss der Intima zurĂŒck, der in einer Aufspaltung der Aortenwandschichten mit Einblutung resultiert. Es besteht die Gefahr einer Aortenruptur. Verschiedene genetische Bindegewebserkrankungen begĂŒnstigen die aortale Mediadegeneration, zuforderst das Marfan-Syndrom. Risikofaktoren fĂŒr das Aortenaneurysma und die Aortendissektion sind Nikotinabusus, arterielle Hypertonie, Alter und mĂ€nnliches Geschlecht. Das Aortenaneurysma nimmt zunĂ€chst einen stummen Verlauf. Entsprechend wird es meist inzidentell entdeckt. Klinik und Symptomatik der Aortendissektion hĂ€ngen stark vom betroffenen Aortenabschnitt ab, die Manifestationen sind vielfĂ€ltig. Eine akute Aortendissektion Ă€ußert sich in > 80 % der FĂ€lle durch plötzliche massivste Schmerzen. FĂŒr die Diagnostik und nachfolgende Verlaufskontrollen bieten sich verschiedene bildgebende Verfahren an. Als UntersuchungsmodalitĂ€t der Wahl gilt aber die Computertomographi

    Chirurgische und interventionelle Behandlung der chronisch-kritischen BeinischÀmie

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    Zusammenfassung: Die chronisch-kritische BeinischĂ€mie (CLI) ist die schwerste Form der peripher-arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit und geht mit einem erhöhten Risiko fĂŒr letale kardiovaskulĂ€re Ereignisse einher. Die meisten Patienten ĂŒberleben aber die ersten Jahre nach Diagnosestellung und sind fĂŒr den Erhalt ihrer SelbstĂ€ndigkeit auf eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Beindurchblutung angewiesen. Dieser CME-Artikel fasst die chirurgischen und endovaskulĂ€ren Optionen zur Revaskularisierung zusammen und geht auf deren Nachhaltigkeit bei CLI ein. Grenzen der verfĂŒgbaren Evidenz werden aufgezeigt. Sie beruhen vor allem auf dem Fehlen einer einheitlichen Definition des Behandlungserfolges. Ein klinisch orientierter Lösungsvorschlag wird diskutiert, der helfen könnte, die verschiedenen Behandlungsindikationen zu schĂ€rfen. Da sich aber nur die wenigsten Patienten gleich gut fĂŒr verschiedene Verfahren eignen, werden CLI-Patienten auch in Zukunft am besten in einem interdisziplinĂ€r arbeitenden Team betreut sei

    Small Is Beautiful: Why Profundaplasty Should Not Be Forgotten

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    Background: Surgical profundaplasty (SP)is used mainly as an adjunct to endovascular management of peripheral vascular disease (PAD) today. Results from earlier series of profundaplasty alone have been controversial, especially regarding its hemodynamic effect. The question is: Can profundaplasty alone still be useful? Our aim was to evaluate its role in the modern management of vascular patients. Methods: This was a retrospective outcome study. A consecutive series of 97 patients (106 legs) from January 2000 through December 2003 were included. In 55 (52%) legs, the superficial femoral artery was occluded. These patients were included in the current analysis. Of these patients 14 (25%) were female. Mean age was 71 ((11) years. Nineteen (35%) were diabetic. The indication for operation was claudication in 29 (53%), critical leg ischemia (CLI) in 26 (47%), either with rest pain in 17 (31%), or ulcer/gangrene in 9 (16%). Endarterectomy with patch angioplasty with bovine pericardium was performed in all cases. Mean follow-up was 33(14 months. Mean preoperative ankle brachial index (ABI) was 0.6. Sustained clinical efficacy was defined as upward shift of 1 or greater on the Rutherford scale without repeat target limb revascularization (TLR) or amputation. Mortality, morbidity, need for TLR, or amputation were separate endpoints. Results: Postoperatively, ABI was significantly improved (mean=0.7), in 24 (44%) by more than 0.15. At three years, cumulative clinical success rate was 80%. Overall, patients with claudication had a better outcome than those with CLI (p=0.04). Two (4%) major amputations and 2 (4%) minor ones were performed, all in patients with CLI. None of the 9 (16%) ulcers healed. Conclusion: Profundaplasty is still a valuable option for patients with femoral PAD and claudication without tissue loss. It is a straightforward procedure that combines good efficacy with low complication rates. Further endovascular treatment may be facilitated. It is not useful for patients with the combination of critical ischemia and tissue los

    GefĂ€ĂŸmedizin heute: Die Berner Sicht

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    Zusammenfassung: Die moderne Behandlung von GefĂ€ĂŸpatienten stellt eine reizvolle und anspruchsvolle Aufgabe dar, welche aufgrund der KomplexitĂ€t und der Breite des Spektrums heute in interdisziplinĂ€ren GefĂ€ĂŸzentren durchgefĂŒhrt werden sollte. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen GefĂ€ĂŸchirurgen und Angiologen hat an der UniversitĂ€t Bern eine lange Tradition. Der vorliegende Artikel legt die grundlegende Philosophie unserer gefĂ€ĂŸchirurgisch-angiologischen Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit dar und schildert deren Umsetzung im klinischen Allta

    Profound influence of different methods for determination of the ankle brachial index on the prevalence estimate of peripheral arterial disease

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    BACKGROUND: The ankle brachial index (ABI) is an efficient tool for objectively documenting the presence of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD). However, different methods exist for ABI calculation, which might result in varying PAD prevalence estimates. To address this question, we compared five different methods of ABI calculation using Doppler ultrasound in 6,880 consecutive, unselected primary care patients ≄65 years in the observational getABI study. METHODS: In all calculations, the average systolic pressure of the right and left brachial artery was used as the denominator (however, in case of discrepancies of ≄10 mmHg, the higher reading was used). As nominators, the following pressures were used: the highest arterial ankle pressure of each leg (method #1), the lowest pressure (#2), only the systolic pressure of the tibial posterior artery (#3), only the systolic pressure of the tibial anterior artery (#4), and the systolic pressure of the tibial posterior artery after exercise (#5). An ABI < 0.9 was regarded as evidence of PAD. RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of PAD was lowest using method #1 (18.0%) and highest using method #2 (34.5%), while the differences in methods #3–#5 were less pronounced. Method #1 resulted in the most accurate estimation of PAD prevalence in the general population. Using the different approaches, the odds ratio for the association of PAD and cardiovascular (CV) events varied between 1.7 and 2.2. CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate that different methods for ABI determination clearly affect the estimation of PAD prevalence, but not substantially the strength of the associations between PAD and CV events. Nonetheless, to achieve improved comparability among different studies, one mode of calculation should be universally applied, preferentially method #1

    Chapter VI: Follow-up after Revascularisation

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    AbstractStructured follow-up after revascularisation for chronic critical limb ischaemia (CLI) aims at sustained treatment success and continued best patient care. Thereby, efforts need to address three fundamental domains: (A) best medical therapy, both to protect the arterial reconstruction locally and to reduce atherosclerotic burden systemically; (B) surveillance of the arterial reconstruction; and (C) timely initiation of repeat interventions. As most CLI patients are elderly and frail, sustained resolution of CLI and preserved ambulatory capacity may decide over independent living and overall prognosis. Despite this importance, previous guidelines have largely ignored follow-up after CLI; arguably because of a striking lack of evidence and because of a widespread assumption that, in the context of CLI, efficacy of initial revascularisation will determine prognosis during the short remaining life expectancy. This chapter of the current CLI guidelines aims to challenge this disposition and to recommend evidentially best clinical practice by critically appraising available evidence in all of the above domains, including antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy, clinical surveillance, use of duplex ultrasound, and indications for and preferred type of repeat interventions for failing and failed reconstructions. However, as corresponding studies are rarely performed among CLI patients specifically, evidence has to be consulted that derives from expanded patient populations. Therefore, most recommendations are based on extrapolations or subgroup analyses, which leads to an almost systematic degradation of their strength. Endovascular reconstruction and surgical bypass are considered separately, as are specific contexts such as diabetes or renal failure; and critical issues are highlighted throughout to inform future studies

    Water displacement leg volumetry in clinical studies - A discussion of error sources

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Water displacement leg volumetry is a highly reproducible method, allowing the confirmation of efficacy of vasoactive substances. Nevertheless errors of its execution and the selection of unsuitable patients are likely to negatively affect the outcome of clinical studies in chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Placebo controlled double-blind drug studies in CVI were searched (Cochrane Review 2005, MedLine Search until December 2007) and assessed with regard to efficacy (volume reduction of the leg), patient characteristics, and potential methodological error sources. Almost every second study reported only small drug effects (≀ 30 mL volume reduction). As the most relevant error source the conduct of volumetry was identified. Because the practical use of available equipment varies, volume differences of more than 300 mL - which is a multifold of a potential treatment effect - have been reported between consecutive measurements. Other potential error sources were insufficient patient guidance or difficulties with the transition from the Widmer CVI classification to the CEAP (Clinical Etiological Anatomical Pathophysiological) grading.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Patients should be properly diagnosed with CVI and selected for stable oedema and further clinical symptoms relevant for the specific study. Centres require a thorough training on the use of the volumeter and on patient guidance. Volumetry should be performed under constant conditions. The reproducibility of short term repeat measurements has to be ensured.</p

    Lifeworld Inc. : and what to do about it

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    Can we detect changes in the way that the world turns up as they turn up? This paper makes such an attempt. The first part of the paper argues that a wide-ranging change is occurring in the ontological preconditions of Euro-American cultures, based in reworking what and how an event is produced. Driven by the security – entertainment complex, the aim is to mass produce phenomenological encounter: Lifeworld Inc as I call it. Swimming in a sea of data, such an aim requires the construction of just enough authenticity over and over again. In the second part of the paper, I go on to argue that this new world requires a different kind of social science, one that is experimental in its orientation—just as Lifeworld Inc is—but with a mission to provoke awareness in untoward ways in order to produce new means of association. Only thus, or so I argue, can social science add to the world we are now beginning to live in

    Power allocation strategies for distributed precoded multicell based systems

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    Multicell cooperation is a promising solution for cellular wireless systems to mitigate intercell interference, improve system fairness, and increase capacity. In this article, we propose power allocation techniques for the downlink of distributed, precoded, multicell cellular-based systems. The precoder is designed in two phases: first the intercell interference is removed by applying a set of distributed precoding vectors; then the system is further optimized through power allocation. Three centralized power allocation algorithms with per-BS power constraint and diferente complexity trade-offs are proposed: one optimal in terms of minimization of the instantaneous average bit error rate (BER), and two suboptimal. In this latter approach, the powers are computed in two phases. First, the powers are derived under total power constraint (TPC) and two criterions are considered, namely, minimization of the instantaneous average BER and minimization of the sum of inverse of signal-to-noise ratio. Then, the final powers are computed to satisfy the individual per-BS power constraint. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated, considering typical pedestrian scenarios based on LTE specifications. The numerical results show that the proposed suboptimal schemes achieve a performance very close to the optimal but with lower computational complexity. Moreover, the performance of the proposed per-BS precoding schemes is close to the one obtained considering TPC over a supercell.Portuguese CADWIN - PTDC/ EEA TEL/099241/200
